Dirty Coop..?? Then You Must Follow These Simple Tips
Just as we enjoy a clean space, so do your chickens! Maintaining a clean coop prevents a multitude of problems that a flock owner can easily avoid. For example, an excessive amount of droppings in the coop can lead to a buildup of ammonia which isn’t good for your chickens, resulting in respiratory damage. In addition, a clean coop will deter any unwanted pests from bothering your flock and inhabiting your coop.
Tip: One of the best ways to keep your coop clean and healthy for your flock is to provide plenty of ventilation. Also make sure your chicken coop is sized large enough for your flock.
Tips to Make Cleaning Your Coop Easier:
How often you should clean your coop depends on whether or not it’s filled to capacity with chickens. You should remove anydroppingson roost bars and wired areas at least once a week, we always prefer to use a metal brush and or scraper to ensure the best cleanliness.
Depending on your nest box material, we recommend monitoring nest box cleanliness by replacing and or cleaning the material as needed. We always prefer to use a reusable nesting pad that is easily cleaned. If you use hay or wooden shavings, be sure to monitor and replace the bedding on an as needed basis.
Tip:Take a moment to scan any droppings in your coop to make sure everything looks normal and healthy. Chicken diseases can often times be identified in your birds’ droppings.
More Clean Coop Tips:
Keeping your chickens in a new, well ventilated chicken coop is preferred to using an old building for a coop. An old building with little natural lighting and ventilation will make it more difficult to control the levels of bacteria and may be prone to unwanted mites. A coop that includes easy cleaning features such as a dirt floor (which allows the decomposition of poop to occur utilizing natural microbes in the soil) and protected ventilation, will increase the likelihood that your chickens will stay healthy.
Tip:Flies may be a nuisance for any chicken coop, a natural way to ward away these pests include planting flowers and or herbs around your coop. For more information on which plants work best to keep flies at bay, visit our article “8 Chicken Healthy Herbs To Grow Next to Your Coop.”
(Always remember)
Clean Coop = Healthy Chickens
Do You Need an Easy to Clean Chicken Coop?
Making sure your chickens stay healthy should be one of your top priorities, and one of the most effective ways to promote chicken health is to keep their coop clean. Cleaning the coop removes harmful build up and bacteria while allowing you to get an early alert to warning signs of poor health in your flock. If you have yet to adopt a flock of chickens, be sure to start out right by investing in an easy to clean, well ventilated chicken coop. Whether you’re just starting out with chickens, or if you’re a veteran chicken keeper, an easy to clean chicken coop can make all the difference. Let us help you find the chicken coop you’ve been looking for.