Little Things To Consider Before Buying A Chicken Coop…
Here is an insightful list of five things to consider when buying a chicken coop that will help you select the perfect home for your flock!
Things to Consider1 — Let your motivation dictate the coop that you select. For example, if you are looking to conveniently and quickly feed your birds, consider a coop with an outside feeding option that saves you from having to enter your coop. Alternatively, your goals may be more focused more on egg production. If gathering eggs is your main initiative, then figure out how many eggs you would like to collect in a week, the number of chickens needed, and search for a coop that will meet your flock’s capacity and needs.
For an example, if you have 3 people in your family, and on average enjoy eating up to 20 eggs a week. Chickens lay 5 eggs on average a week, so you will need 4 hens to accomplish your egg quantity goals. 4 hens require 20 sq ft minimum (5 sq ft x 4 hens), so your coop should measure at least 4′ x 5′.
Things to Consider 2– Consider your surroundings! Whether you live in a suburb or rural area, a predator visiting can still be high, so make sure the coop you select is predator-proof! This can be achieved by using a high gauge hardware wire cloth, ensuring you always lock up your hens, and using a heavy well-built coop!
Another element of your surroundings that should be considered is where the coop will be situated on your property. A bit of advice here, avoid areas prone to flooding and make sure your coop has sufficient sunlight as well as easy water & electricity access for winter time.
Things to Consider 3– There are a few key measurements and rules for building a healthy chicken coop! A chicken coop should have approximately 1 square foot of ventilation per 10 square feet of coop. This is particularly important for chickens because they have the propensity to develop respiratory challenges over time. Additionally, you’ll want to make sure your chickens have enough space for their daily activities, including roosting and nesting. When building a chicken coop, you will need 1 nesting box per 4–5 chickens. Also, keep in mind that your coop will need 10–12 inches per chicken for the roosting bars. If you follow these basic principles, your flock will be more likely to remain healthy and happy for the long term!
Things to Consider 4– Make sure you get a coop that makes chicken keeping easy! Many prefer walk-in style coops to allow for easy accessibility or outdoor style feeders & waterers for convenient & quick feeding.
A walk-in chicken coop, like that of our Round-Top coop line, will provide a great deal of convenience as they are easier to clean and ergonomically friendly.
Things to Consider 5– Make sure that your coop is beautiful! While this might not seem like an important factor when buying a chicken coop, it is. You want to love visiting your chickens and be proud of the addition of their home to your property. If you love your coop, you will spend more time with your flock. Like anything else, buying a chicken coop is an investment. The better you’re set up, the more you will enjoy chicken keeping, and the happier your flock will be!